Introduction to Mentorship

Most suc­cess­ful peo­ple cred­it their accom­plish­ments to the guid­ance they received on their way to suc­cess. The path to suc­cess is often ardu­ous, filled with uncer­tain­ty, doubt, and fail­ure. Espe­cial­ly for moments such as these, the suc­cess­ful peo­ple can­not over­state the val­ue of men­tor­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties they got in their devel­op­ment. Pro­fes­sion­als in any field, be it busi­ness, design, or culi­nary arts, can take advan­tage of learn­ing from experts in their respec­tive fields.

Then, why is it that many peo­ple still haven’t expe­ri­enced men­tor­ship or are obliv­i­ous to even its mere exis­tence? The truth is, find­ing a men­tor can be a chal­lenge of its own. First, you need to find a role mod­el that pro­found­ly inspires you. Sec­ond, the search involves con­vinc­ing the iden­ti­fied men­tor to impart skills to you. This endeav­or requires time and effort on their part. Ulti­mate­ly, the prob­a­bil­i­ty of that per­son to take time out for you is, more often than not, minus­cule. And if some­how you are able to cross all these hur­dles, there is the chal­lenge of set­ting mea­sur­able goals and well-defined outcomes.

Men­tor-mentee rela­tion­ships bloom over a long-peri­od but pro­vide you with an envi­ron­ment that sup­ports and guides you from day one. How­ev­er, the mentee has to exer­cise cau­tion in not sim­ply “copy­ing” his men­tor but under­stand their per­spec­tive and expe­ri­ence and apply them in his or her own indi­vid­u­al­is­tic way.

If you’re still won­der­ing why hav­ing a men­tor mat­ters for your per­son­al change – it can be summed up as a last­ing expe­ri­ence in which your men­tor and you will exchange expe­ri­ences and skills in order to grow per­son­al­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly. While the focus will unques­tion­ably be on you, your men­tor will also con­cur­rent­ly under­go a change their per­spec­tive. Over a cer­tain peri­od of time, this rela­tion­ship will last a last-time.

For expe­ri­enced pro­fes­sion­als and experts, men­tor­ing can be a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to trans­fer knowl­edge and skill they gained in their com­plex pro­fes­sion­al path­ways onto the next gen­er­a­tion. In its essence, men­tor­ship is the best way to pre­serve your lega­cy and be remem­bered for­ev­er. The reward of pass­ing your expe­ri­ence on to some­one you choose is often in wit­ness­ing them grow and be great at what you taught them. From your per­spec­tive, you can think of it as teach­ing your child to ride a bicy­cle – being at their side, hold­ing their hand until they are ready to ride by them­selves. From that day on, they nev­er for­get how to ride.

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