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Ways to Give

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The Maybach Foundation Patrons

With the wish to expand, as well as strength­en our com­mu­ni­ty, we have made being a part of the May­bach jour­ney eas­i­er: you now have the chance to become a May­bach Foun­da­tion Patron.

Mem­ber­ships are issued on an annu­al basis and come with a num­ber of exclu­sive ben­e­fits, such as invi­ta­tions to all May­bach Foun­da­tion events includ­ing the Men­tor Talks, Recep­tions, and Galas! The intro­duc­tion of the May­bach Foun­da­tion Patrons makes it even eas­i­er for you to sup­port our ven­tures and allows you to become an essen­tial part of the Foundation’s mis­sion and the real­iza­tion of our projects.

Learn more & sign up!

Become a Donor


Sup­port our mis­sion and make a change. Your con­tri­bu­tion is key to con­tin­ue fund­ing our phil­an­thropic projects. Any amount you chose will be great­ly appreciated.

We could­n’t do it with­out you. Our his­to­ry, your future!

Gift a Part of History

Yacht (White)

Explore our lim­it­ed-edi­tion „May­bach Pow­ered“ col­lec­tion made in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Michael Schwab Stu­dio and May­bach Icons of Lux­u­ry.

By pur­chas­ing our mer­chan­dise, you’re mak­ing a char­i­ta­ble con­tri­bu­tion to the May­bach Foun­da­tion — all pro­ceeds go to the Foun­da­tion and its projects.


Maybach Mentoring

Mentoring Compendium

Learn how to give back to oth­ers and help build our tomor­row. Get your hands on an evolv­ing com­pendi­um about mentorship.

Our Men­tor­ing Com­pendi­um describes key take­aways from a vari­ety of men­tor­ship projects han­dled by the May­bach Foun­da­tion. We summed up our exper­tise in con­nect­ing tal­ent­ed indi­vid­u­als with mas­ters of their arts and crafts for you.

Get Your Copy of our Men­tor­ing Compendium!