Wilhelm Maybach Award Ceremony donated by the Maybach Family at the Wilhelm Maybach School in Heilbronn, Germany

The Wil­helm May­bach Award was recent­ly pre­sent­ed on June 7, 2024, at the Wil­helm-May­bach-Schule in Heil­bronn, Ger­many. For over four decades, the Schmid-May­bach fam­i­ly has rec­og­nized excep­tion­al stu­dents at the Wil­helm-May­bach-Schule: This year’s event was a tes­ta­ment to the con­tin­ued suc­cess of the school and the pres­tige of this mean­ing­ful award.

The May­bach name car­ries a com­pre­hen­sive his­to­ry in engi­neer­ing and inno­va­tion. The award serves as a sym­bol of encour­age­ment and inspi­ra­tion, embody­ing the val­ues of Wil­helm May­bach. Past recip­i­ents have made sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tions in their fields and have also shown impor­tant soft skills like mean­ing­ful social engage­ment and dis­ci­pline – those are key val­ues rep­re­sent­ing May­bach as well.

The May­bach Foun­da­tion Team spear­head­ed by Uli May­bach was proud to hon­or the 2024 recip­i­ents of the Wil­helm May­bach Award in per­son: Christoph Dudek, Jan Neubauer, Aaron Lohmann, Nina Stephan and Niklas Ackermann.

Our Pres­i­dent and Founder of the May­bach Foun­da­tion joined the event and met the award recip­i­ents pri­or to the offi­cial func­tion for a per­son­al meet & greet and dis­cus­sion round.

The cer­e­mo­ny fea­tured open­ing remarks and indi­vid­ual speech­es by Prin­ci­pal Dieter Thumm, May­or Mar­tin Diep­gen of the City of Heil­bronn, Ger­many, May­bach Foun­da­tion Founder and Pres­i­dent Uli May­bach, Jung­hans CEO Hannes Steim, Deputy Prin­ci­pal Heiko Reb­stock, and Prin­ci­pal of the Karl-May­bach-Gym­na­si­um School Christoph Felder.

Corin­na Basler, PhD Basler of the Wil­helm & Karl May­bach Foundation/​Stiftung pre­sent­ed the Wil­helm-May­bach-Award-Sculp­ture to each award recip­i­ent. Hannes Steim, Pres­i­dent of the May­bach Club and Man­ag­ing Part­ner of Jung­hans GmbH & Co. KG con­tributed the cer­e­mo­ny with an insight­ful pre­sen­ta­tion about the con­nec­tion of Jung­hans and Maybach.

As we con­tin­ue to cel­e­brate the lega­cy of Wil­helm and Karl May­bach, we remain com­mit­ted to fos­ter­ing excel­lence for future gen­er­a­tions. We look for­ward to see­ing the pos­i­tive impact these tal­ent­ed indi­vid­u­als will have in their respec­tive fields.

We are grate­ful to meet many sup­port­ers in the audi­ence, includ­ing Dr. Heike Weishaupt, and Sigfrid Rehm to rec­og­nize a few for their ongo­ing pas­sion and contribution!

The local press “Heil­bron­ner Stimme” pub­lished an arti­cle on the Wil­helm May­bach Award: https://​may​bach​.org/​w​p​-​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​/​u​p​l​o​a​d​s​/​2​0​2​4​/​0​6​/​W​o​-​M​a​y​b​a​c​h​s​-​T​u​g​e​n​d​e​n​-​w​e​i​t​e​r​l​e​b​e​n​-​H​e​i​l​b​r​o​n​n​e​r​-​S​t​i​m​m​e​.​pdf

In addi­tion, we are proud to announce that the May­bach Award will be con­tin­ued and sup­port­ed by the May­bach fam­i­ly and the May­bach Stiftung.

Uli May­bach’s speech at the Wil­helm May­bach Award Ceremony.
Prin­ci­pal Dieter Thumm and Uli May­bach award the win­ners stand­ing in front of the school’s beau­ti­ful May­bach SW38: Niklas Ack­er­mann, Jan Neubauer, Aaron Lohmann, and Nina Stephan.
Uli May­bach per­son­al­ly signs the cer­tifi­cates for the Wil­helm May­bach Award winners.
Raphael Nothvo­gel, Katha­ri­na Eck­stein, Dieter Thumm, Gun­ther Nord­wig, Mar­cus Reiss­er, Uli May­bach, Dr. Corin­na Basler.
Jung­hans CEO and Pres­i­dent of the May­bach Club Hannes Steim deliv­er­ing his very inspi­ra­tional address at the Wil­helm May­bach Award.

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