Maybach Foundation Mentoring Compendium

Wel­come to our Men­tor­ing Compendium.

As a men­tor, you are embark­ing on a jour­ney that will have a long-last­ing and pos­i­tive impact on anoth­er per­son­’s life. Men­tor­ing will change the way you think about your work and your role in help­ing oth­ers become suc­cess­ful both per­son­al­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly. Although the focus of the men­tor­ing rela­tion­ship is on the devel­op­ment of your mentee, you, the men­tor, will also grow as a result of the experience.

This course will help you under­stand why, and how the men­tor­ing rela­tion­ship is dif­fer­ent from oth­er devel­op­men­tal rela­tion­ships you may have expe­ri­enced — for exam­ple, rela­tion­ships with coach­es, teach­ers, and super­vi­sors. The men­tor­ing rela­tion­ship is unique, and our goal is to help you learn and apply the prac­ti­cal skills need­ed to become an effec­tive mentor.

Our com­pendi­um con­sists of 5 short lessons, or “mod­ules,” that explain var­i­ous con­cepts, tech­niques, and ideas that are impor­tant to under­stand before enter­ing into a men­tor­ing rela­tion­ship. The mod­ules are not designed to deal with “the­o­ret­i­cal” issues, but rather to pro­vide a prac­ti­cal “hands-on” approach. Each les­son is accom­pa­nied by a quiz to help you under­stand whether you’ve grasped the mate­ri­als. There are also check­lists, case stud­ies and oth­er mate­ri­als that you will be direct­ed to dur­ing the lessons. You can down­load these direct­ly from the web­site and use them as resources as you work with your mentee.

Good luck, keep an open mind, and remem­ber– there is no greater occu­pa­tion than help­ing oth­ers succeed!

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