Inspiring the Next Generation of Innovators.

With the right men­tor­ship our fore­fa­thers dis­rupt­ed mobil­i­ty and bequeathed us a time­less lega­cy. In pre­serv­ing this con­tin­uüm, we want to pass on this lega­cy to you and cel­e­brate the lives and inven­tions of Wil­helm & Karl Maybach.

2011 – Venice, Italy. Vahakn Arslanian and mentor Julian Schnabel at the Venice Biennale with their collaboration, „The Ones You Didn’t Write — The Maybach Car.“

A message from our founder and president:

In 2005, after the new May­bach car had been mak­ing waves in cer­tain cir­cles, I reflect­ed on ways to give back. Men­tor­ing was a nat­ur­al fit giv­en my great-grand­fa­ther Wil­helm May­bach’s rise from the orphan­age to icon­ic design­er, an evo­lu­tion that cor­re­lat­ed direct­ly with the sup­port and assis­tance he received from his mentors.

It turns out that this mean­ing­ful mes­sage res­onates with many peo­ple and espe­cial­ly with May­bach enthu­si­asts. I learned that some fol­low­ers have had a sim­i­lar sto­ry while oth­ers reflect on the priv­i­lege and sub­se­quent respon­si­bil­i­ty that suc­cess has brought — in addi­tion to being able to afford fab­u­lous things. Oth­ers have shared with me that they wish they had had a men­tor in life as it would have made a dif­fer­ence on so many levels.

So, as we scratch the shiny sur­face of our beau­ti­ful things, we find the basic rudi­ments hid­den beneath the veneer of great accom­plish­ment, and with that, the prove­nance we did­n’t know was there. Here then we get to explore both — the rich her­itage of the 100+ year May­bach sto­ry as well as the para­dox that led to its cur­rent icon­ic status.

I invite you to join me on this jour­ney of discovery.

Sin­cere­ly Yours,

Ulrich Schmid-May­bach,
Founder and President

Three values distinguish Maybach.

  • Qual­i­ty: Metic­u­lous design, uncom­pro­mis­ing pro­duc­tion, and reliability.
  • Inno­va­tion: as seen in the first motor­ized cycle, the first mod­ern car­bu­re­tor and the first Mer­cedes — tech­ni­cal­ly the first mod­ern car.
  • Final­ly, there is the col­ored thread of men­tor­ing that runs though the May­bach sto­ry with Wil­helm May­bach’s begin­nings in the orphan­age, Karl May­bach’s dual-track tal­ent devel­op­ment pro­gram that com­bined the­o­ry and prac­tice, and the May­bach Foun­da­tion pro­grams that advance men­tor­ing today.