Unforgettable Pebble Beach Highlights from the Maybach Foundation & Grieve Winery Yacht Event

🛥️On August 17th, the May­bach Foun­da­tion and Grieve Fam­i­ly Win­ery host­ed an excep­tion­al gath­er­ing aboard the exclu­sive yacht “Blue Steele” to hon­or our con­trib­u­tors and sup­port­ers. After the excit­ing Mer­cedes-May­bach lunch, Black­lane shut­tles brought our guests to the pri­vate yacht event at the beau­ti­ful Still­wa­ter Cove in Peb­ble Beach, where they tast­ed exquis­ite wines from the Dou­ble Eagle Win­ery, enjoyed breath­tak­ing views, and received beau­ti­ful­ly curat­ed Gift Bags pro­vid­ed by MAYBACH Icons of Lux­u­ry. Guests were greet­ed by the Black Opal Life team on the wharf before board­ing ten­ders to „Blue Steele“, anchored in Still­wa­ter Harbor.

🤝This event was spe­cial­ly host­ed for our val­ued May­bach Foun­da­tion con­trib­u­tors, and we were delight­ed to bring them togeth­er for this mem­o­rable occa­sion. We extend our deep­est grat­i­tude to our annu­al sup­port­ers for their unwa­ver­ing care of the Foundation’s mis­sion. Both Uli May­bach and David Grieve warm­ly wel­comed guests with their dis­tin­guished open­ing remarks, and Uli fur­ther engaged the audi­ence by shar­ing insight­ful updates on the Foundation’s impact­ful activ­i­ties and ongo­ing projects in Ger­many and the Unit­ed States.

🏆Spe­cial Thanks to our May­bach Foun­da­tion contributors:

Grieve Fam­i­ly Win­ery renowned for its rich and struc­tured wines.
Black Opal Life excelling in pro­vid­ing cus­tomized lux­u­ry experiences.
US Cap­i­tal offer­ing sophis­ti­cat­ed finan­cial solutions.
Fam­i­ly Office Divi­sion of Hef­fer­nan Insur­ance Bro­kers deliv­er­ing com­pre­hen­sive insur­ance services.
DRA Fam­i­ly Office focus­ing on pri­vate invest­ments and cham­pi­oning female
Black­lane pro­vid­ing pre­mi­um glob­al chauf­feur services.
MAYBACH Icons of Lux­u­ry craft­ing pres­ti­gious hand­made lux­u­ry goods.

📸 We are proud to share a few of our spe­cial high­lights with our community.

Wel­come sign for the May­bach Foun­da­tion & David Grieve Yacht Event.

The offi­cial 2024 Peb­ble Beach Con­cours d’Elegance poster.

The „Blue Steele“ yacht.

David and Kath­leen Grieve.

David Oli­va, Jen­nifer Oli­va, Jaday Gar­cia, Dr. Corin­na Basler, Uli May­bach and Savan­nah Simms.

Anub­hav Nath with his mother.

Uli Maybach’s speech on the exclu­sive yacht event.

David Griev­e’s speech on the exclu­sive yacht event.
David Oli­va, Dr. Corin­na Basler, Rose Vitale, Lacey Gar­ri­son Strom and Kevin McManus.

Trans­porta­tion to the exclu­sive yacht event.
Dr. Corin­na Basler, Lacey Gar­ri­son Strom, Michelle Pen­der and Mau­reen Hurley.

Valerie Bertele and Frank Wisehart.
Trans­porta­tion to the exclu­sive yacht event.

Wines from the Grieve Fam­i­ly Winery.

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