Maybach Foundation Corporate Contributors 2023

The May­bach Foun­da­tion would like to extend a very spe­cial thank you to our con­trib­u­tors who gen­er­ous­ly sup­port our cause and initiatives.

We look for­ward to meet­ing our May­bach Foun­da­tion Cor­po­rate Con­trib­u­tors and indi­vid­ual patrons at the upcom­ing May­bach Lunch in Peb­ble Beach 2023.

Please not that due to the strong inter­est, we are not able to accom­mo­date any addi­tion­al guest inquiries for this spe­cial event as we have exceed­ed capac­i­ty at this time.

SIL­VER-Lev­el Contributor:

Strate­gic Year

Strate­gic Year Hold­ings Lim­it­ed (“Strate­gic Year”) is a pri­vate­ly held invest­ment com­pa­ny based in Asia with glob­al con­nec­tions.The Senior Man­age­ment of Strate­gic Year have com­bined 150 years of invest­ment and oper­a­tions expe­ri­ence glob­al­ly. We adopt a val­ue-ori­ent­ed invest­ment approach, uti­liz­ing our exten­sive local net­works to orig­i­nate and exe­cute pro­pri­etary invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties. We are a respon­si­ble investor; we spend tremen­dous efforts cre­at­ing a net pos­i­tive impact for the soci­ety in all our invest­ments to make sure they are sus­tain­able for the long term.

Strate­gic Year is a sil­ver con­trib­u­tor and we are thank­ful for the gen­er­ous support.

BRONZE PLUS-Lev­el Contributor:


Fal­con is the rec­og­nized brand for Das­sault busi­ness jets which are designed, man­u­fac­tured and sup­port­ed by Das­sault Avi­a­tion. Since 1965, over 2,600 Fal­cons have been deliv­ered with 2,100 still in ser­vice in over 90 coun­tries. Our six mod­els share the same opti­mum bal­ance of tech­nol­o­gy, com­fort, ver­sa­til­i­ty and ele­gance, with many inno­va­tions inher­it­ed from Dassault’s renowned com­bat air­craft. We have led the way with dig­i­tal flight con­trols, an award-win­ning head-up com­bined vision sys­tem, and advanced aero­dy­nam­ics, all of which enhance flight han­dling and safe­ty. Our light-weight archi­tec­tures not only opti­mize per­for­mance, but max­i­mize fuel efficiency.

Fal­con sup­port is also sec­ond to none, with a glob­al net­work of 50 ser­vice cen­ters, 16 spare parts depots and ded­i­cat­ed sup­port air­craft for imme­di­ate oper­a­tor response.

Fal­con is a bronze plus — con­trib­u­tor and we are thank­ful for the gen­er­ous support.

#das­sault­fal­con #noth­ingflies­likeafal­con #Falcon6X #Falcon10X #Das­saultAvi­a­tion

For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion, make sure to visit: 


BRONZE PLUS-Lev­el Contributor:

DRA Fam­i­ly Office

Intro­duc­ing “DRA Fam­i­ly Office,” a fam­i­ly office backed pri­vate invest­ments firm based in San Diego, Cal­i­for­nia. Found­ed in 2019, DRA Fam­i­ly Office directs their invest­ments to both low­er and mid­dle mar­ket pri­vate equi­ty as well as ear­ly-stage com­pa­nies. Lever­ag­ing exten­sive oper­a­tional expe­ri­ence in grow­ing and scal­ing orga­ni­za­tions, as well as its more than 20 years of expe­ri­ence in start­ing, grow­ing, and mon­e­tiz­ing com­pa­nies, the invest­ment strat­e­gy of the firm spans across a diverse array of indus­tries, includ­ing real estate, oper­at­ing busi­ness­es, and equi­ty ven­ture opportunities.

The DRA Fam­i­ly Office is a bronze plus — con­trib­u­tor and we are thank­ful for the gen­er­ous support.

For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion, make sure to visit: 



BRONZE-Lev­el Contributor:


We are Black­lane, providers of pre­mi­um glob­al chauf­feur ser­vices. Our mis­sion is to cre­ate true peace of mind for dis­cern­ing trav­el­ers by deliv­er­ing per­fect expe­ri­ences around the world to inspire for a bet­ter future. Black­lane is offer­ing air­port trans­fers, City to City com­mutes, In-city mobil­i­ty options and chauf­feur ser­vices by the hour in over 50 coun­tries glob­al­ly, either pre-booked or on-demand. Whether it’s for busi­ness or plea­sure, Black­lane and its 300 employ­ees and thou­sands of chauf­feur part­ners have the right pre­mi­um trans­porta­tion ser­vice for you. By chang­ing how peo­ple move, we opened up new oppor­tu­ni­ties for our chauf­feur providers and set indus­try stan­dards for cli­mate pro­tec­tion in the trav­el industry.

Black­lane is a bronze — con­trib­u­tor and we are thank­ful for the gen­er­ous support.

For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion, make sure to visit: 






BRONZE-Lev­el Contributor:


LUCA is the pre­mier dig­i­tal plat­form for alter­na­tive invest­ments, cater­ing to Ultra-High Net Worth Indi­vid­u­als (UHNWI), High Net Worth Indi­vid­u­als (HNWI), and busi­ness own­ers in Japan and beyond. With its cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy and exper­tise, LUCA con­nects world fam­i­ly offices and facil­i­tates cross-bor­der pri­vate invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties, unlock­ing new pos­si­bil­i­ties for investors worldwide.

LUCA is a bronze — con­trib­u­tor and we are thank­ful for the gen­er­ous support.

For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion, make sure to visit: 


BRONZE-Lev­el Contributor:

USI Insur­ance Services

USI Insur­ance Ser­vices is one of the largest insur­ance bro­ker­age and con­sult­ing firms in the world, deliv­er­ing prop­er­ty and casu­al­ty, employ­ee ben­e­fits, pri­vate-risk and retire­ment solu­tions to sin­gle and mul­ti-fam­i­ly offices, high­ly suc­cess­ful­ly indi­vid­u­als, and fam­i­lies. At USI, we con­sult, design, and imple­ment risk solu­tions for our clients. We are first and fore­most con­sul­tants, as no two clients are the same. We under­stand the impor­tance of being tech­ni­cal and spe­cial­ized in the ever-chang­ing world of fam­i­ly offices and high­ly suc­cess­ful individuals.

USI Insur­ance Ser­vices is a bronze — con­trib­u­tor and we are thank­ful for the gen­er­ous support.

#Pri­va­teRisk, #Fam­i­ly­Of­fice, #Com­mer­i­cal­Risk, #Insur­ance­Ser­vices

For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion, make sure to visit: 



BRONZE-Lev­el Contributor:


Adde­par is a soft­ware and data plat­form that is pur­pose-built for pro­fes­sion­al wealth, invest­ment and asset man­age­ment firms to deliv­er out­stand­ing results for their clients. More than 850 lead­ing firms trust Adde­par to unlock the pow­er and pos­si­bil­i­ty of more informed, data-dri­ven invest­ing and advice. With client pres­ence in more than 40 coun­tries, Addepar’s plat­form aggre­gates port­fo­lio, mar­ket and client data for over $4 tril­lion in assets. Firms can also use Mar­ket­place, a dig­i­tal expe­ri­ence offered through Acervus Secu­ri­ties (mem­ber FINRA), to access and trans­act in a range of invest­ment prod­ucts with a focus on alter­na­tive and pri­vate mar­ket invest­ments. Addepar’s open plat­form inte­grates with more than 100 soft­ware, data and ser­vices part­ners to deliv­er a com­plete solu­tion for a wide range of firms and use cas­es. Adde­par embraces a glob­al flex­i­ble work­force mod­el with offices in Sil­i­con Val­ley, New York City, Salt Lake City, Chica­go, Lon­don and Edin­burgh, Scotland.

Adde­par is a bronze — con­trib­u­tor and we are thank­ful for the gen­er­ous support.

For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion, make sure to visit: 



BRONZE-Lev­el Contributor:

Engel & Völkers

Engel & Völk­ers is a glob­al lux­u­ry real estate brand. Found­ed in Ham­burg, Ger­many, in 1977, Engel & Völk­ers draws on its rich Euro­pean his­to­ry to deliv­er a fresh approach to lux­u­ry real estate in the Amer­i­c­as with a focus on cre­at­ing a per­son­al­ized client expe­ri­ence at every stage of the home buy­ing or sell­ing process for today’s savvy home­own­er. Engel & Völk­ers cur­rent­ly oper­ates approx­i­mate­ly 304 shop loca­tions with over 6,200 real estate advi­sors in the Amer­i­c­as, con­tribut­ing to the brand’s glob­al net­work of over 16,400 real estate pro­fes­sion­als in more than 33 coun­tries, offer­ing both pri­vate and insti­tu­tion­al clients a pro­fes­sion­al­ly tai­lored range of lux­u­ry ser­vices, includ­ing real estate and yacht­ing. Com­mit­ted to excep­tion­al ser­vice, Engel & Völk­ers sup­ports its advi­sors with an array of pre­mi­um qual­i­ty busi­ness ser­vices; mar­ket­ing pro­grams and plat­forms; as well as access to its glob­al net­work of real estate pro­fes­sion­als, prop­er­ty list­ings, and mar­ket data. Each bro­ker­age is inde­pen­dent­ly owned and operated.

Engel & Völk­ers is a bronze — con­trib­u­tor and we are thank­ful for the gen­er­ous support. 

#engelvoelk­ers #evrealestate #evsan­fran­sic­so #evamer­i­c­as ##cal­i­for­ni­a­homes #dreamhomes #lux­u­ryrealestate #ev #thi­sis­us #wea­reen­gelvoelk­ers

For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion, make sure to visit: 



BRONZE-Lev­el Contributor:

Pref­ace Ventures

Pref­ace Ven­tures is a seed-stage, enter­prise soft­ware ven­ture fund focused on back­ing repeat founders — often under­rep­re­sent­ed and immi­grant. We lever­age algo­rith­mic and net­work-dri­ven sourc­ing to find entre­pre­neurs even before they leave their acquir­er. Pref­ace is often the first or co-lead investor, cre­at­ing a con­cen­trat­ed port­fo­lio of 25 com­pa­nies in core cat­e­gories includ­ing devel­op­er tool­ing /​cyber­se­cu­ri­ty, health­care, and fin­tech. Pref­ace is backed by lead­ing endow­ments, FoF’s, and C‑level exec­u­tives from pub­lic com­pa­nies such as Spo­ti­fy, PANW, Cap­i­talOne, Delta Air­lines, and Eventbrite.

Pref­ace Ven­tures is a bronze — con­trib­u­tor and we are thank­ful for the gen­er­ous support.

For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion, make sure to visit: 



1 Comment

  • I want to know how I can Donat­ed to Your May­bach Muse­um? ?I have Fol­lowed May­bach Lux­u­ry cars since 2015 when I first heard about Mer­cedes May­bach 😀 😎 I want to Con­suta­tion my Mon­ey to this Museum 😉 😁 😊 😄

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