Honoring & Celebrating an Inspiring Weekend at Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance

The May­bach Foun­da­tion wel­comed its Friends, Patrons & Con­trib­u­tors to a myr­i­ad of events tak­ing place over the 73rd Annu­al Peb­ble Beach Con­cours d’El­e­gance host­ed in Mon­terey, Cal­i­for­nia — a cap­ti­vat­ing fusion of cel­e­brat­ing sophis­ti­ca­tion, inno­va­tion, and men­tor­ing — a true embod­i­ment of the authen­tic May­bach DNA & spirit.

The May­bach Foun­da­tion par­tic­i­pat­ed in an exclu­sive, invite-only Lun­cheon host­ed by the Mer­cedes-Benz AG Group’s May­bach brand on Sat­ur­day, August 17th, 2024. This event, which inspired and enlight­ened all auto­mo­tive sens­es, includ­ed Mer­cedes-May­bach advo­cates, the May­bach Foun­da­tion net­work, and indus­try exec­u­tives who shared their philoso­phies on one of the true May­bach val­ues: “A Pio­neer­ing Spir­it.” In addi­tion to the Lun­cheon, a stim­u­lat­ing May­bach Pan­el Talk by Michael Sav­age (COO at Space Per­spec­tive), Daniel Lescow (Head of Mer­cedes-May­bach), and Uli May­bach (Founder & Pres­i­dent of the May­bach Foun­da­tion and co-founder of the MAYBACH Icons of Lux­u­ry acces­so­ry group) took place dur­ing which the pan­elists shared their own per­spec­tives on pio­neer­ing and how hav­ing this spir­it has impact­ed their own lives. Rob Hal­loway (Head of Glob­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Mer­cedes-Benz) guid­ed the pan­elists through the discussion.

Fol­low­ing the Pan­el Talk and Lun­cheon for­mal­i­ties, guests of the May­bach Foun­da­tion moved ‘from land to sea’ and joined Ulrich Schmid-May­bach & David Grieve (Founder of the Grieve Fam­i­ly Win­ery, Dou­ble Eagle) for sun­down­ers at the “May­bach Foun­da­tion x David Grieve Yacht Event” on the beau­ti­ful Blue Steele yacht in the Still­wa­ter Cove. This per­son­al­ized assem­blage high­light­ed the May­bach mantra of “Mobil­i­ty by Land, Air, and Sea,” and offered a unique gath­er­ing for those dear to the Foundation’s mission.

Heart­felt thanks to our Con­trib­u­tors: Your sup­port ampli­fies inno­va­tion and echoes the May­bach lega­cy, nur­tur­ing tal­ent for a brighter future. To that end, the Foun­da­tion hon­ors its annu­al con­trib­u­tors & loy­al sup­port­ers whose gen­eros­i­ty con­tin­ues to inspire and pro­vide a plat­form for the next gen­er­a­tion of pio­neers. Ulrich Schmid-May­bach empha­sizes: “Your inspi­ra­tion dri­ves our orga­ni­za­tion and helps advance the May­bach Men­tor­ing Pro­gram and His­to­ry Show­room — thank you for help­ing us grow.

Grieve Fam­i­ly Win­ery renowned for its rich and struc­tured wines.

Black Opal Life excelling in pro­vid­ing cus­tomized lux­u­ry experiences.

US Cap­i­tal offer­ing sophis­ti­cat­ed finan­cial solutions.

Fam­i­ly Office Divi­sion of Hef­fer­nan Insur­ance Bro­kers deliv­er­ing com­pre­hen­sive insur­ance services.

DRA Fam­i­ly Office focus­ing on pri­vate invest­ments and cham­pi­oning female founders.

Black­lane pro­vid­ing pre­mi­um glob­al chauf­feur services.

MAYBACH Icons of Lux­u­ry craft­ing pres­ti­gious hand­made lux­u­ry goods.

We would also like to rec­og­nize our ded­i­cat­ed May­bach Foun­da­tion US-team work: Uli May­bach, Corin­na Basler, PhD, Mau­reen Hur­ley, Fabi­an Hen­ningsen.

The win­ner pho­to of the 2024 Peb­ble Beach Con­cours d’Elegance.

The offi­cial 2024 Peb­ble Beach Con­cours d’El­e­gance poster.
Wel­come sign for the May­bach Foun­da­tion & David Grieve Yacht Event.

Uli May­bach’s speech on the exclu­sive yacht event.

The wel­come tent at our pri­vate yacht event.

David Griev­e’s speech at the exclu­sive yacht event.

The pan­el talk with Rob Hol­loway, Daniel Lescow, Michael Sav­age and Uli May­bach at the Mer­cedes-May­bach Luncheon.

Dr. Corin­na Basler with Jen­nifer Oli­va, David Oli­va, Kevin McManus, Stiles Tanksley and Jaday Garcia.

The May­bach DS8 Zeppelin.

Charles Towle with partner.

Mau­reen Hur­ley, Anub­hav Nath and David Oliva.

Uli May­bach in front of the all-new Mer­cedes-May­bach SL.

Peo­ple gath­er­ing around the all-new Mer­cedes-May­bach SL.

The Black Opal Group in the lim­ou­sine shut­tles on the way back from the exclu­sive yacht event.

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