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About the

Maybach Foundation Patrons

The Maybach Foundation (a 501 (c )(3) non-profit) was founded in 2005 with the mission of mentoring extraordinarily talented young leaders facing adversity by connecting them with distinguished global leaders in order to make a difference in their lives and in the world. 
We know how busy our supporters are and have made it our goal to make supporting the Foundation & its mission as simple as possible. We’re, therefore, excited to announce the launch of the new Maybach Foundation Patron Community, allowing you to become a key supporter of the Maybach Foundation while also earning a number of exclusive benefits. 
See more info below.

Our benefits for you include:

Exclusive Invitations to all Maybach Foundation Events

A recur­ring series of ours is the May­bach Men­tor Talks, a dis­cus­sion forum fea­tur­ing diverse and rel­e­vant thinkers, vision­ar­ies, and dri­vers of inno­va­tion shar­ing their per­son­al jour­neys from ear­ly inspi­ra­tion to where they are today — includ­ing mis­steps tak­en along the way. Past speak­ers include ex-NASA CTO Chris Kemp, North­Face Founder Hap Klopp, and extreme-sports ath­lete JT Holmes.

Fur­ther, we pre­miered the May­bach Hol­i­day Recep­tion at The Bat­tery in San Fran­cis­co in 2019. This exclu­sive event fea­tured a num­ber firsts: the launch of the icon­ic „May­bach Pow­ered“ poster series, the US-pre­mière of the new 2020 May­bach GLS, as well as keynotes by high-pro­file guests, such as the Blue Hori­zon founder Roger Lien­hard & ENACTUS CEO Rachael Jarosh.

May­bach Foun­da­tion Patrons receive exclu­sive invites to these, as well as oth­er May­bach Foun­da­tion events, and will be pri­or­i­tized in the issu­ing of tick­ets.

Stay up-to-date by receiving all Maybach Foundation Newsletters

On a month­ly basis, we update our com­mu­ni­ty with recent news, achieved mile­stones, and behind-the-scenes sneak peeks.

As a May­bach Foun­da­tion Patron, you get access to all our newslet­ters, blog posts, and oth­er exclu­sive updates regard­ing the May­bach Foun­da­tion’s ongo­ing projects. We val­ue the engage­ment of our com­mu­ni­ty and aim at pro­vid­ing as many insights as pos­si­ble while keep­ing an open ear for your com­ments, feed­back, and ideas. As a May­bach Foun­da­tion Patron, this process will be even eas­i­er allow­ing you to stay in-the-loop year-round.

Receive a personal Welcome Letter from our President Ulrich Schmid-Maybach

As a new May­bach Foun­da­tion Patron, our pres­i­dent Ulrich Schmid-May­bach will per­son­al­ly reach out to you to wel­come you to our community.

The May­bach Foun­da­tion Patrons rep­re­sent an impor­tant pil­lar in our com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment and fundrais­ing approach­es. By mak­ing the com­mit­ment of join­ing the club, you are a cru­cial part of the May­bach Foun­da­tion’s jour­ney of ful­fill­ing our mis­sion and achiev­ing our goals. We want to take the time to per­son­al­ly reach out and thank you for your ongo­ing sup­port. We could­n’t do it with­out you!

Sign Up Now!

Important sign-up information: 

Being a Maybach Foundation Patron is an annual commitment. 
Your membership starts on the day you sign up and will renew on the same day every year.
If at some point you would like to end your membership, please message us at foundation@​maybach.​org.